Cervical screening
Cervical screening (a smear test) is a test to check the health of the cervix and help prevent cervical cancer. It’s offered to women and people with a cervix aged 25 to 64.
Cervical screening – NHSBreast screening
NHS breast screening uses X-rays, called mammograms, to look for cancers that are too small to see or feel.
Breast screening (mammogram) – NHSMenopause
Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels. It usually affects women between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen earlier.
Menopause – NHS
Menopause Matters, menopausal symptoms, remedies, advice
balance – Home
Early menopause – NHSHRT
Find information about HRT for menopause symptoms, including the types of HRT, benefits and risks and how to take it.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) – NHSPolycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects how a woman’s ovaries work.
Polycystic ovary syndrome – NHS
Verity – The UK PCOS CharityHysterectomy
A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the womb (uterus).
Hysterectomy – NHS
Other information available from the NHS
Women’s Health
Information and support on health, wellbeing, conditions and screening
Women’s health – NHS