Ear wax build up
Earwax usually falls out on its own. If it does not, and builds up it can blocks your ear.
A pharmacist will be able to give you advice about treatments, but if it does not clear or you ear is badly blocked and you cannot hear anything please contact your GP surgery.
Earwax build-up – NHSGlue ear
Glue ear is where the middle part of the ear canal fills up with fluid, it can cause temporary hearing loss and can affect both ears at the same time.
Glue ear – NHSTinnitus
Tinnitus is the name for hearing noises that do not come from an outside source.
Tinnitus – NHSEar infections
Ear infections are very common, particularly in children.
Ear infections – NHSNosebleeds
Nosebleeds are common, particularly in children.
Nosebleed – NHSSore throats
Sore throat – NHSTonsillitis
Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils at the sides of your throat.
Tonsillitis – NHS
Ear, nose and throat
Page published: 26 November 2024
Last updated: 26 November 2024